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In Memory

Bob Wagner

Informartion provided by Steve Klinger. Date of death not provided. Cause of death Cancer/Agent Orange. Bob is survived by his wife Diane. Comment by Steve: "Good friend. We joined the Navy together and were in bootcamp together. All around great person." 

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07/27/21 11:02 AM #1    

Paula Robinson (Varner)

I'm so sorry to hear this news. 

07/27/21 12:12 PM #2    

Dick Pedlar

Thanks again for your service, Bob. Rest In Peace.

07/27/21 12:41 PM #3    

Pat Spencer (Miles)

Sincere condolances to his wife Diane and extended family.  

07/27/21 04:16 PM #4    

Nancy Hunter (Bowlin/Klinger)

When my daughter was a senior in High School, Bob had a green Model A car. On a special night he donned his little chauffer's hat and drove her and her escort to the Senior Ball. A lot of the other kids drove up in limos, but she emerged from that car with her bright fuschia full skirted ball gown on and a very handsome dude at her side and relished all the attention she received from her classmates. Bob never charged for his chauffering services. He did it as  sort of a community service and loved it. He even patiently waited as he took them to dinner first and again hung around until after the dance was over to drive them home. He was a good friend to both Steve and I and a great giver to the community. He left his mark in the hearts of many and it will remain there always. Bless you Bob. RIP.

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