John was 57 years old when he died, March 24, 2005. He was a contractor by trade. He was a life long bachelor. John and I were friends since age 11. We went to Church and to school together for many years. We kept in touch occasionally over the years.
at Baker Jr. High he sat behind me in social studies?....he was baby hughie, I was little Audrey....I had a crush on him, but he wasn't hip, so all we did was flirt, stay passing friends in HS, end of story.
Gene Lawrence
John was 57 years old when he died, March 24, 2005. He was a contractor by trade. He was a life long bachelor.John and I were friends since age 11. We went to Church and to school together for many years. We kept in touch occasionally over the years.
Patricia Morrison
at Baker Jr. High he sat behind me in social studies?....he was baby hughie, I was little Audrey....I had a crush on him, but he wasn't hip, so all we did was flirt, stay passing friends in HS, end of story.