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60th Class Reunion set for Saturday,  August 9th, 4 to 8 p.m. in the multi-purpose room at the Fircrest Community Center. More details, including cost, will be posted soon.


This summer it will be 60 years since we graduated. We had a great bash at the STAR Center for our 50th at a cost of $50/person which paid for the cost of the facility and a catered dinner. We had recorded 50s/60s/70s music for dancing.

Then we met informally on the 2nd Saturday in August at Meadow Park until the Pandemic.

On the 2nd Saturday in 2023, we had well over 50 classmates gather informally in my backyard for a bring-your-own eats, drink and lawn chairs. We had a fun afternoon with lots of catching up and laughter.

So, what should we do for our 60th?

Your reunion committee is considering an RSVP event at the Fircrest Community Center. There is the multi-purpose room with a capacity of 50 at $50/hour and the gym/kitchen with a capacity of 200 at $190/hour. So there will be a per person charge to cover the rental fee, food and decorations. Tables and chairs are included for both. Street parking.

You must let us know by January 25 so we know which of the areas to rent. Email Penny at drostpe@msn.com or Julie Johnson at mamajules47@gmail.com

We will ask for the second Saturday in August if available when we have a head count; expect another date in August if the 9th is not available.

Response choices:
No (No response will be counted as a no.)



My name is Fava and I am a volunteer with the Mount Tahoma Boys Basketball team. I am emailing to invite all alumni to our first game of the season against Bonney Lake. Both head Coaches are T-Bird alumni so we would love to celebrate our alumni at the game. The game will be at MT on November 29, 2024. We will have a meet and greet at 530pm with some light refreshments in the Commons area. Entrance would be through the main doors into the school. The players will also be present at the meet and greet. The Varsity game will start at 730pm. Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for seniors and military. Anyone one wishing to attend can RSVP to me at 253-228-7246 or via email at fpalu@tacoma.k12.wa.us. We will recognize our alumni during halftime. 


Greetings, MT Alumni!

Attached is a thank you letter from the most recent recipient of a $600 scholarship awarded to a MT grad attending Clover Park Technical College. That said, another $600 scholarship will be awarded for the spring quarter.  Our fully funded endowment will begin awarding a $600 scholarship in 2024 (we had a little interruption, if you'll recall, in 2020, 2021 & 2022!)  I'll send an update when that scholarship is awarded. How rewarding to see your collective generosity benefit a fellow Mount Tahoma grad. THANK YOU!  Carol Anne Bills - Class of '66

To: Mt. Tahoma Alumni Trade School Scholarship

I am immensely grateful for your assistance with my journey. It fills me with bottomless joy to be able to receive such a generous gift. I understand that it can be challenging to help others at times, and I am truly delighted to be a recipient of your kindness.

 Every day, I am getting closer and closer to achieving my goals, and it would bring me great happiness for my little one to witness my graduation. It is empowering to know that age, time, weather, financial constraints, and others' opinions cannot hinder one's pursuit of success. Regardless of any obstacles, one can always reach their goals by persevering.

Being a woman in a male-dominated field is not easy and can be mentally draining at times. However, receiving this support reassures me that not only can I bring about change, but there are also others who share the same desire for progress and believe in my potential. Each day, I am one step closer to my destination, and moments like this serve as a reminder that success can happen at any given moment.

This scholarship will provide me with the opportunity to dedicate more time to my education. It will allow me to increase my study hours and access additional training both within and outside of school, contributing to my professional growth. Your scholarship has bestowed upon me numerous benefits, and I eagerly anticipate achieving my goals with reduced stress. Thank you sincerely for being a pillar of support that propels me and many others towards success.  Many Blessings,

 Queen Sheba J.


2023 Class Picnic

As we planned to after our 50th class reunion and before we were derailed by Covid, we have scheduled an informal gathering for MT '65 classmates on the second Saturday in August.


We received a letter of gratitude from the most recent recipient of a $600 scholarship awarded to a MT grad attending Clover Park Technical College - Ms. Julia Orozco. Another $600 scholarship will be awarded for the winter quarter. How rewarding to see your collective generosity benefit a fellow Mount Tahoma grad. THANK YOU!

Good News! We have achieved our endowment goals for BOTH the Clover Park Endowment ($12k) and the Bates Technical College Endowment Funds ($10k).  To think that you achieved these goals in the midst of a world-wide pandemic, without the benefit of gatherings and fundraisers is astonishing! You have demonstrated vision and generosity. THANK YOU! Given the current financial climate and uncertainty in the world, the interest that is accruing on the respective endowments will be slower than we anticipated. Most likely, the $600 scholarships from the endowments will not be awarded until the end of 2023. The money is still safe - and will be paying dividends in perpetuity. 

That said, there is $1,900.00 in a Named Scholarship at Clover Park. Those funds will be awarded in $600 scholarships this year; perhaps in the fall and winter. If you would like to donate to a Named Scholarship for either Clover Park or Bates, please mail a check, (indicating that it is for the Named Scholarship) and put Mount Tahoma, and your class year in the notes portion of your check. Those addresses are:

Clover Park Technical College Foundation
4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW
Lakewood, WA 98499

Bates Foundation
1101 S. Yakima Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98405





 Looking Back

Ladies Only Event
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Fabulous! Lunch at the Market Place Grill and fun shop hopping.
'65 Ladies: Sue Brown, Connie Swanson, Penny Drost, Wendy Stephens,
April Larson and Paula Robinson

One Terrific Mom, One Terrific Day!
The "Arlington Kids" plus three MT '65 Kids brought lunch to Mildred Dudley on Feb.15. Oh, the stories. We laughed and laughed.
Arlington Kids: Gary Meier, Robbie Welch, Dennis Dudley, Julie Johnson and Penny Drost.
Mount Tahoma '65 Kids: Paula Robinson, April Larson and Bob Taylor.


MT '65 Ladies Luncheon
A step back in time: 
Olive Branch Victorian Tea Room and Restaurant

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kathy Faker, Wendy Stephens, Paula Robinson, Julie Johnson, Linda Smith
April Larson, Cathy Hanly, Julie Rush, Robbie Welch, Penny Drost

It was such a wonderful event, we decided to bring the MT 65 ladies together to catch up and stroll down memory lane at least three times a year - Spring, Fall and Winter - saving summer for our annual August mini reunion at Meadow Park. We have had two 70th birthday parties, our first ladies luncheon, a picnic gathering hosted by Pat and Patti (Corcoran) Conner and our first mini runion at Medowpark since our 50th Class Reunion in 2015. If you want to add an event to our "stay in touch" calendar, let Penny Drost know (drostpe@msn.com) for our web site and Julie Johnson (mamajules47@gmail.com) for our Facebook page.





Craig Kerr, Brian Meidinger, Terry Elsdon ('64), Julie Johnson Elsdon,
Paula Robinson, Penny Drost, Dick Pedlar,
Mike Devereaux, Linda Smith, Robbie Welch, Rudy Font

Happy 70th Birthday to Us!
Tuesday, Aug. 22. 2017
Farrelli's at Point Ruston

Photos from August 12, 2017 Event are on Facebook
Mount Tahoma Class of 1965





Thank you to hosts Pat and Patti (Corcoran) Conner

Sid Harr ('66) poses with the girls now including Paula Robinson and Wendy Stephens

Friends since Arlington Elementary School: Robbie Welch, Julie Johnson, Penny Drost and Gary Mitchell


Lynn Herth and Pat Spencer

Gary Mitchell, Rudy Font, Harlan Holcomb, Ed Pauschert

Gary Mitchell, Jon Mowry, Patti Corcoran

Robbie Welch and George Ferris

Pat Conner and Bob Taylor

Special Guest Star Sid Harr, Class of '66 and Linda Smith

T-Bird Class of 1865 
Guess who!


50th Reunion – Saturday, August 15, 2015

Check out the photo gallery  "50thReunionPhotos"

Click here for:  A special tribute video.


Friday, August 14, 2015
Tour of new Mount Tahoma arranged by Julie Johnson Elsdon and led
by her daughter Kari-Ellen. What a great kick-off for our reunion!

"We're the class with all the drive, Mount Tahoma '65!"
Winner of the class pep assembly competition all three years!!!


July 5, 2014, Lunch at Dukes 


Robbie Welch, Dennis Dudley, Bonnie Nichols, Julie Johnson, Penny Drost, Bob Taylor, Jon Mowry, April Larson, Linda Keith, Paula Robinson. Plus Robbie's mom Betty, sister Barbee, and Bonnie's sister-in-law Chris.


Gathering of MT '65 ladies August 2012 and July 2013

2012 (top photo):Suzi Feldman, Julie Johnson, April Larson, Robbie Welch, Cheryl Battson, Julie Rush, Jan Berg, Penny Drost, Judy Johnson and Beth Aalbue. In 2013, Jeanette Hansen, Linda Keith, Deborah Meeds  and Paula Robinson joined Penny, April, Cheryl and Jan.


Gathering of MT '65



•   Paul Berry  8/10
•   Virginia Creyssels (Janeway)  8/3
•   Sheryl Jones (Rytkonen)  4/7
•   Kathy Faker (McCormack)  3/17
•   JoElla Roberts (Cudney)  8/6
•   Mike Truax  7/8
•   Don Bechtold  7/7
•   Frank Poston  6/18
•   Judy Camp (McKenzie)  6/14
•   Norm(Bud) Schultz  12/30
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alaska
8 live in Arizona
7 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
4 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
4 live in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Texas
104 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
290 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!